Monday, June 26, 2017

Manners Monday - Six Manners Specifically for the Dog Days of Summer

Summer has officially graced us with her presence and just in time for the Fourth of July holiday. Temperatures have reached a sweltering peak putting our brains and bodies into permanent vacation mode. The LA traffic seems a bit less intense and schedules have simmered down allowing for some much needed rest and relaxation from the everyday stress of life in the fast lane. While we're all too eager to take our foot off the speed pedal, the dog days of summer still demand a sense of decency and decorum. Here are six etiquette tips specifically targeted for the next few months. 

1. House Guesting 101.  If you’re lucky enough to be invited to a friend’s summer home for a stay, make it your mission to be a gracious house guest.  Follow your host’s schedule and abide by their house rules.  If they want everybody in the kitchen for breakfast at 7am, be there with bells on offering to scramble eggs or set the table.

2. Pool Rules.  Long wild strands of hair wreak havoc on a pool. Before diving into the water to cool off from the extreme heat, neatly tie up flowing locks prior to taking a dip. Ladies, feel free to make your ponytail holder your new best friend and, gents, keep sporting that man bun at poolside. 

3. Ear Bud Etiquette.  Summer internships are all the rage and often provide a jump start towards future full-time employment down the road.  While you may be tempted to listen to summer hits while slaving away at your desk, fight the impulse to pop earbuds in your ears. Employers view this as a great distraction, especially when trying to solicit your attention for a task or inspiring you to collaborate with co-workers on a project.

4. Sweaty Palms Police.  Heading to an outdoor networking event where you’ll want to make a positive impression?  Don't let your palms put a damper on good greetings. Grab that antiperspirant and rub it on your hands to reduce sweating and provide that extra confidence when engaging in endless meetings with others.

5. Condiment Clarity.  Barbecue fare is chalk full of hamburgers, hot dogs, and other summer favorites just begging for a dollop of ketchup or mustard to make the meal complete.  Set a precedent when dining by passing all condiments in pairs and passing all pairs to the right.  Your table mates will thank you.

6. Petiquette If you have to skip out of town on a last minute business trip, don’t pressure your family or friends into babysitting your pooch for the summer. Rather than risk putting your relationship in jeopardy, find a comfy place to board your pup instead. He will probably find it more fun and even make a few new pet pals.

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